Interview with Rebecca Jean Downey, Author of “Devil Eye”

May 22, 2015 at 12:08 am | Posted in Books | 1 Comment

An interview with Rebecca Jean Downey, Author of “Devil Eye book coverDevil Eye”

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned through writing?

The biggest lesson I’ve learned through writing is to respect my readers and to appreciate the time and money they are investing in my work. The truth is, we are all busy, and it takes a concerted effort to read a novel. When someone reads one of mine and tells me they really enjoyed it and wants to read the next one, I know I haven’t wasted their precious resources. I want to live up to their expectations and work really hard to do so.

Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?

The Devi Eye opens with heroine Penny Larkin tracking down a small time gun trafficker in New Mexico for the U.S. Marshals Service. Penny is kidnapped and dragged into Mexico…certain death for a woman her age where thousands of women go missing every year. The story emphasizes the strength that women can find within themselves when pushed to survive. An underlying message is the growing trend of young men falling into crime along the border because they do not have a higher education or training of some kind.

If you had to choose, what writer would be your mentor?

I would love to have Ernest Hemingway as a mentor. In high school, his work inspired me to love words and to enjoy the way they rub together to create a song, a poem or a novel.

What do you love most about writing?

There is something sacred about writing. When I am totally focused on my work, I feel connected to something higher than myself. I sometimes call that connection the muse, but in reality, it is probably God thanking me for putting to use the talent he gave me at birth.


Author’s Bio:
 Rebecca Jean Downey is a thriller author with her eyes on the U.S.-Mexico border. Inspiration for her novels are plucked right out of the headlines or from interviews with law enforcement sources, journalists and other experts on border crime. She and her husband, Mike, live in El Paso, Texas, with their two rescue dogs, Riley and Skye.

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  1. Thanks so much for introducing us to this author. Her thriller series sounds most intriguing!

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